The Pàrquing Biblioteca Villalba is located in the neighborhood of Collado Villalba in the city of Madrid.
If you are going to the Soc Villalba Shopping Center, this parking is ideal, as it is only 5 minutes away on foot.
From its location you have different places of interest: Cangur Shopping Center, Miguel Hernández Library, Supermarkets such as Carrefour Express and Economat Macabeu Collado Villalba, Post Office, restaurants and hotels such as Hotel Galaic.
The closest banks to the parking are: BBVA, ABANCA, Bankinter, Santander, Unicaja, Ibercaja, CaixaBank.
You can use the car or the nearest transport lines to the Villalba Library car park such as:
Bus 2 de l'estació Batalla de Bailèn-biblioteca Municipal.
Villalba train station C3a, C8, C10, MD, Reg. Exp and Regional.
Book this parking and enjoy Madrid!
This car park is always open (24/7).